Aseprite在Aseprite - Steam的討論與評價
Aseprite is a pixel-art tool to create 2D animations, sprites, and any kind of graphics for games.
Aseprite在Aseprite - Animated sprite editor & pixel art tool的討論與評價
Store several animations in one texture atlas. Get Aseprite for $19.99 USD. Get Aseprite for Windows macOS Ubuntu + Steam key ...
Aseprite在Aseprite - GitHub的討論與評價
Aseprite · Introduction. Aseprite is a program to create animated sprites. · Issues. There is a list of Known Issues (things to be fixed or that aren't yet ...
Aseprite在Steam 社群:: Aseprite的討論與評價
Aseprite is a pixel-art tool to create 2D animations, sprites, and any kind of graphics for games. $19.99. 造訪商店頁面. 上週最熱門的社群與官方內容。 (?).
Aseprite在Aseprite - Twitter的討論與評價
Aseprite is a pixel art tool that lets you create 2D animations for videogames. Features Compose sprites using layers & frames as separated concepts Create ...
Aseprite在企鵝電玩 Steam Aseprite PC 電腦版像素藝術工具| 蝦皮購物的討論與評價
... 【無實體光碟】發貨,遊戲購買成功的當下就能夠下載游玩,性質上已經無法返還,不支援以任何理由退換哦~ 購買 企鵝電玩 Steam Aseprite PC 電腦版像素藝術工具.
Aseprite在Buy Aseprite from the Humble Store的討論與評價
Aseprite is a pixel art tool that lets you create 2D animations for videogames. Features. Compose sprites using layers & frames as separated concepts
Aseprite在Aseprite - 貼文的討論與評價
Aseprite 。 5858 個讚· 23 人正在談論這個。 Animated sprite editor & pixel art tool (
Aseprite在aseprite _ 搜索结果 - 搜索-哔哩哔哩(゜的討論與評價
点击查看更多相关视频、番剧、影视、直播、专栏、话题、用户等内容;你感兴趣的视频都在B站,bilibili是国内知名的视频弹幕网站,这里有及时的动漫新番,活跃的ACG氛围 ...
Aseprite在heaps-aseprite (0.1.2) - Haxelib的討論與評價
heaps-aseprite. Load and render sprites and animations in Aseprite format. Based on the ase and openfl-aseprite libraries. Sample Aseprite files all ...