Butterflies在butterflies - Yahoo奇摩字典搜尋結果的討論與評價
butterflies. butterfly的名詞複數 ; butterflies. 蝴蝶(復數) ; butterfly. 蝴蝶 ; butterflies in the stomach · 神經質的發抖 ; butterflies in one's stomach · 神經緊張, ...
I had butterflies in my stomach before the interview last week. I was so nervous that I couldn't remember exactly what I said. It was really awful!
Butterflies在butterflies - Linguee | 中英词典(更多其他语言)的討論與評價
大量翻译例句关于"butterflies" – 英中词典以及8百万条中文译文例句搜索。
Butterflies在Butterflies in my stomach 肚子裏有蝴蝶? - BBC 英伦网的討論與評價
How does it feel to have 'butterflies in your stomach'? Learn a phrase for describing when you are feeling nervous.
Butterflies在Butterfly - Wikipedia的討論與評價
Butterflies are insects in the macrolepidopteran clade Rhopalocera from the order Lepidoptera, which also includes moths. Adult butterflies have large, ...
Butterflies在butterflies in your stomach 在英語中的意思的討論與評價
butterflies in your stomach的意思、解釋及翻譯:a feeling of being very nervous or frightened about something: 。了解更多。
Butterflies在【趣味英文】肚子痛的英文竟和butterflies有關!4個必學與蝴蝶 ...的討論與評價
和butterfly 有關的單字片語 · butterfly effect · social butterfly · (as) gaudy as a butterfly · have butterflies (in one's stomach).
Butterflies在Butterfly Pavilion的討論與評價
Butterflies at Chatfield. This seasonal habitat at Denver Botanic Gardens Chatfield Farms is home to hundreds of native Colorado butterflies such as ...
Butterflies在臺灣的蝴蝶(Butterflies of Taiwan) - iNaturalist的討論與評價
臺灣的蝴蝶(Butterflies of Taiwan). About. Members. ---. 臺灣蝴蝶紀錄. Read More. Project Journal. Overview; -- observations; -- species; -- Identifiers ...
Butterflies在Butterflies | Smithsonian Institution的討論與評價
Distinctive characteristics. Butterflies (and moths) are the only group of insects that have scales covering their wings, although some butterflies have reduced ...