Serifs在Serif - Wikipedia的討論與評價
In typography, a serif is a small line or stroke regularly attached to the end of a larger stroke in a letter or symbol within a particular font or family ...
Times New Roman is a popular serif font. Time New Roman是一種流行的襯線字體。 比較. sans serif.
Serifs在Serif vs Sans Serif Fonts & When to Use Which | Adobe的討論與評價
Serifs are the small lines attached to letters. Their origins are a mystery; one theory suggests they arose when scribes using brushes or quills left small ...
Serifs在Google fonts 的字體(serif 篇) - justfont blog的討論與評價
介紹4+1 個google fonts 的serif 字體。假設你是一個初出茅廬的網頁設計師。假設這個案子是做一個英文網站。再假設你了解web design is 95% of ...
Serifs在The Magical, Surprising History of Serifs | by Neel Dozome的討論與評價
Physically, serifs originated in the flourishes of the calligrapher's wrist. In calligraphy, the art of hand-drawn lettering, serifs serve two ...
Serifs在What Is a Serif Font? - ThoughtCo的討論與評價
In typography, a serif is the small extra stroke found at the end of the main vertical and horizontal strokes of some letters.
Serifs在The Difference between Serif and Sans-Serif Fonts - Easil的討論與評價
Serifs are for traditional print and Sans Serifs are for the web – it's not that black and white. Some Serif typefaces can look beautiful online and you'll see ...
Serifs在Serif vs. Sans for Text in Print | Fonts.com的討論與評價
Although serifs are considered to be decorative, their appearance may well serve a higher purpose. Serif typefaces have historically been credited with ...
Serifs在serif | typeface | Britannica的討論與評價
…the lowercase “n” rest are serifs, as is the backward pointing slab atop the lowercase “i” or “l,” and sans serif types are those in which such ...
Serifs在PT Serif - Google Fonts的討論與評價
About PT Serif. PT Serif™ is the second pan-Cyrillic font family developed for the project “Public Types of the Russian Federation.” The first family ...